September 12, 2011

Run With a View

...I'll have been running for a solid fourty minutes or so, dodging slower pedestrians, watching cars whoosh by, inhaling the exhaust and feeling every footfall come back at me from the hard pavement. City running. There are lots of small test-your-willpower hills in my running route too, so I'm soaked, nearing mental and physical exhaustion and hoping for a miracle. It's usually about 5K into the run when I get to my favourite view.

Suddenly, suburbia falls away and leaves me with sun soaked fields that rise and fall like the tide of the earth. Open roads and often, the breeze visits the salty sweat on my forehead, giving me a cool down. All my muscles and limbs seem to take in the air and relax and my pace slows, but my head turns on to take it all in as I muster the power to go on. It's awesome and the photos don't do it justice.

I biked out there today to snap a few pictures anyway, because I wanted to attempt to share it with y'all.


  1. You biked to take pictures?? What a good idea! You have some fun, some exercise, and you get to take awesome photos!
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  2. Riley, I wanna go running with you! I probably would just lag behind, but still! I'd love to just be able to see this :)
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

  3. That is really a beautiful sight. I'm not much of a runner, but I'd walk there.
