August 12, 2011

Split Personality

One of the fun things about self improvement is reinventing yourself, and getting to try new things. Whether it's cooking new foods, (That's right! New recipe posts coming soon!) trying a new workout routine, or maybe, trying something in clothing and fashion that you've never tried before. I'm not crazy about posting outfit pictures here. I feel a little self conscious or...I guess the better word is egotistical. Who really CARES what I wear, anyhow? Mostly I do it because I have started to dress more nicely... And it's blogs filled with gorgeous, well dressed fat positive ladies who made me realize it's NEVER too early to embrace yourself.

Since Jill and I have started training harder for our 10K run in October, as I've mentioned, I've been cycling a lot of gym clothes. So it was a proud moment for me to step out in this style. To be a different person from the one I am when I'm IN THE ZONE. The runner and the zen yoga addict. The well dressed girl and the messy artist. The lady and the troublemaker. Be Marie Curie, Daisy Lowe, Rosa Parks and Marie Antoinette. Why the hell not? People are complex, full of contradictions. That's what makes them human. That's what makes them awesome.

Whatever the case, I feel as though it's been such a long time since I've posted one, and that this posting is acceptable, especially because it was partially inspired by one of my fellow bloggers. Laura over at the Blog of Worldly Delights recently posted an outfit where she mixed a striped shirt with a patterned skirt. I was charmed by the look in short order. (I'm plugging her blog for a reason-- you should go check it out, she's quite charming and the layout is, as I say, ADORABO.) Maybe by posting THIS someone else will see it and will go out and try something bold of their own.

Remember, well behaved women rarely make history, and fortune favours the bold!

Mixing patterns is one of the things I've always wanted to have a go at, but I've never had the care to try, or the brass. Well after seeing her post, I was reminded of my urge to play a little game of mix and match. I went into my freshly cleaned closet to see what I might be able to find, and the results were, well, in my personal opinion, a success. I know this because:

A) The stripes made my boobs look bigger. (Always an A+)
B) Rebekah, my fashionista style meter told me I looked cute today. She said that I was, "pulling it off." PROUD MOMENT.

Scared or high? Maybe both.

The second I start making model faces for outfit posts exclusively, please shoot me.

My new hipster gogs. LOVE
Shirt: Suzy Shier
Cardigan: H&M
Skirt: Joe Fresh
Glasses: LOVE Brand Eyeglasses
Belt: Borrowed

As a random side note: through a series of events, I found a website called My Body Gallery. It allows you to enter your specific height, weight and even body type. THEN it shows you user submitted pictures of REAL women who have the same stats as you. I thought it was pretty cool... One of the things Look Better Naked talks about is how people, specifically women, are so accustomed to hating on themselves. Well... looking at other girls in my weight/height category, I couldn't judge them. I thought a lot of them looked GOOD. It made me think: how do your own biases LITERALLY change the way you see yourself? When people tell you you're beautiful and you don't believe them, is it because you have a seriously distorted POV?

Do you know what you REALLY look like?


  1. I love you, Riley. It's official, you are my new blogger best friend. hahaha! I really love this outfit! That skirt is amazing! I mean, you see zebra everywhere, but in those colors? nope. That's a find! Your specs are amazing too! Totally hipster and totally FUN.

    You are just too stinking adorable!
