March 26, 2011

Sexy Christmas

I'm a supporter of gay rights. It started out as just an opinion that equality is something universally deserved. Somehow it's turned into a full blown THING. I don't know what to call it. I would never be pompous enough to say I'm an activist. It's more like if GAY was a sports team, I'd be one of those crazy fans who paints their body rainbow and picks fights with the opposition.
Me at the Toronto Pride Parade, 2010
It's funny that as a former quiet girl without two shreds of personality to rub together, I've found myself in love with a community of some of the loudest, boldest, most beautiful and amazing people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing and dancing my ass off with.

Last year, I went to the Pride parade in Toronto. It was my first time. I got caught up in the instant attraction. The summer heat and the sense of one-ness made sense at the time. Dare I say it, I fell in love. And then, at the end of the day, I had to go home. I had to end my affair with the Pride parade. The next day, and maybe I'm being melodramatic (isn't that what writers do?) there was this unfulfilled feeling. I missed it. I wanted to call it, but we had parted with a gentle, "I'll see you next summer..." And that was that, nothing to be done about it.

I had been so caught up in the joy, the love, the celebration of the community. I was instantly addicted. I wanted to be a part of it. Needed- except that I wasn't gay. Was there some sort of honorary card I could carry around? Could I be a part of the secret club even if vajay-jays aren't my thing? Could I fake it? No, I could not. But then a good friend helped me realize that being part of a community, part of a movement is not about who you want, or who you wake up next to. It's about what you believe. And I believe in rainbows, equality, and love. Yeah, it's cheesy. But it's true, so sue me.

I've got a couple friends who feel the exact same way I do. So when I discovered the The FCKH8 Store was selling 2011 STR8 against H8 calendars, I knew exactly what to do. I bought five. One for me and the others for my most fantastically pro-gay, pro-sexy calendar friends.

I am excited for Pride in July. ALREADY! As I said last night, sitting in the bar, surrounded by my favourite girls, a boy from Brazil and two New Yorkers: "Pride is the BEST! It's like.... sexy Christmas!"
I'mnotalreadyplanning- what?

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