February 15, 2013

Little Things

I celebrated Valentine's Day with a glass of red wine and a microwavable Brownie recipe, practicing for a French oral presentation and watching Arrested Development. All that was missing from the picture was either a cat (Telly was nowhere to be found!) for the single cliché, or a Mr. Life-Of-Wiley... but Rome wasn't built in a day, and so, friends, we keep waiting for Somebody to Love.

BUT, it is the little things we have to appreciate, at the end of a rough week. A week we spent being anxious and sick and eating emotionally. Life goes on, the treadmill and the gym will still be there, health returns, and midterms will plague us, come hell or high water, self pity, or bagel overdoses.

Today I was at work, when a guy came in wearing a pink sweater vest and a pink bowtie. It. Was. Awesome... and in my excitement, I couldn't contain myself. I told him so. I love when people get festive, a little homage to the day, the time, the feeling. I myself put on bright pink lip colour for the occasion.
Just before he left with his friends, the bowtie man stopped by the counter and told me I had really great beauty marks.

He meant the moles I have on my face.

The ones I get self conscious about. The ones I got from my mother's side.

The ones no one has ever complimented me about, EVER, until today. It was honestly... pretty amazing, if I do say so myself. Moles are beauty marks in someone else's eyes. It's all about perspective, folks.

Other great stuff?

My friend Jocelyn got engaged! (Eeeee!)

And it was Jill's birthday. (Happy Birthday Jilligan! Let me know when you finally get to that video I sent you. <3)

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