October 30, 2012


AWESOME THING OF THE WEEK (and yeah, my week just started. SUE ME.)

My afternoon class was cancelled today, and I had ambitious plans for the free time, even though all I really wanted to do was curl up in bed, watch Donald Glover do standup, followed by Stranger Than Fiction, all the while spooning my body pillow for company. (I like the soft, silent type. What can I say?) Arriving home, I discovered an odd, cylindrical express post package leaning on my front door. 

Ever since the move, one of the best things in life is getting mail from home. Packages or cards or letters bring the people you love close, put their voice right in your ear. That bit of extra effort is a reminder that you might be out of sight, but you're not out of mind. Note to self, and to you, whoever you are: write more letters to people. Honestly, it's insane how good it makes you/them feel. My mom is the best example of this. I've received a blitzkrieg of packages and cards in two months since I moved, her way of telling me that I'm never far from her thoughts. (Friends: send me your addresses so I can mail you love letters and locks of my hair. Just kidding notkiddingatall.)

Of course, I was thrilled to see this package, and surprised to notice the writing on it wasn't my mom's, but Jill's. That had me all but dying of curiosity when I finally got inside. With the careful surgical technique of a rabid Rottweiler,  I set about opening the mysterious mail. 

She literally crammed the tin more stuff than there are people in an early morning metro game of sardines (city peeps, nawm sayin'!), with all kinds of amazing things, from stickers, to perfume samples, amazing David's Tea (Red Velvet & Banana Bread-- WHAT?!), lip balm and a really sweet letter that made me miss her. A lot. A LOT. 

Just writing this is making me more and more and MORE excited for her visit coming up in the next month! In case I wasn't enough already... Note: I was.
One of the best things about this package, (other than everything) was the little post it notes that covered a bunch of different items.
This package made my day and I'm pretty sure I broke a 20-something code of conduct by picking up the phone and calling her to a leave a hyperactive excited message on her voice mail, but hey, that lady is my blood and my exception to the rules, damnit. 
Happy Halloween, friends! (P.S. Costume posts to follow!)

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