February 29, 2012


I cleaned out my closet/wardrobe today. A little bit. It's hard for me to throw out clothes if they still fit me because I go: WHAT IF I GET THE URGE TO WEAR THIS AND IT'S NOT HERE? WHAT THEN?

Either way: we've been having a go of some awful weather today, freezing rain and power outages, so I thought I might as well do a little spring cleaning and house keeping. I was going through some pants and stuff in my dresser when I found a bunch of pairs of shorts from the summer. To my eyes, they looked kinda big, but I thought maybe I had misjudged them. I'm bad at sizing things up and such.

I posted THIS OUTFIT on July 16th, 2011.

I tried on the shorts again just today.

Uhm. WHAT?

Please note how my legs are literally SQUEEZED into the shorts like Polski-Russian sausage in photo number one, and then note grin on my face in the second picture. I didn't even REALIZE the difference in myself until I put myself in those shorts.

Over Christmas I saw a bunch of my relatives who were all OOOH YOU LOOK SO GOOD and I kinda brushed it off because I didn't even REALIZE what the hell I had done, or what I'm still doing.

I wish I could explain how this feels. It's like disbelief and joy, motivation and...shock. Emotionally, as well as physically. If I wear them, you literally cannot see my ass. They hang off of me. I have to get RID of them now. And I thought I would notice such a drastic change: it's all a matter of perspectives.

It's kind of amazing and freaky, and if anything, it's impressing in me the importance of documenting this asskicking tour de force as I go.

1 comment:

  1. ooooooooooooh Riley, you look so good! You are truly an inspiration to me! I need to get my ass in gear and keep on it!

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
