December 19, 2011

The Night Before BFFmas

BFFristmas AKA BFFmas. A time when two friends celebrate Christmas ahead of the actual date. Rebekah and I celebrated BFFmas (Biffmas?) this passing weekend. Friday night, after I worked and she finished at her workplace Christmas party, we got togetha' for a little yuletide cheer. With one weekend to go before the actual day, it was our big chance to get our gifting on and spend time together! We've been busy with work and other stuff lately, not having had a lot of time to see each other.


We started out with scrabble.
This was followed up by hot chocolate with marshmallows and gingersnaps while watching this season's Community Christmas Episode. (Taran Killam + the regular Community people mocking GLEE? Sign me up. All the way up.)

The next morning I was extremely pumped to give Bek her gift: a functioning, 1960s vintage rotary telephone, with a handle done by Birks, and a copy of Velvet Goldmine. (A biographical parody of the relationship between Iggy Pop and David Bowie, as played by Ewan McGregor and Jonathan Rhys-Meyers. YES? YES !)

And she in turn got me a HUGE poster for "Les Amours Imaginaires", a film by French Canadian director Xavier Dolan. Which is purple. And FABULOUS. It's something I would never buy for myself, but I love the hell out of it. (That's the sign of a great gift isn't it?) It will look GREAT on the wall of my future Montreal apartment.

Then, she surprised me with a second gift: A hand painted Matryoshka doll, all the way from Russia. REAL RUSSIA. She's beautiful... I have to admit it: I almost cried when I opened this one. It was so thoughtful and totally unexpected.
I can't go into each and every detail of the day because there was a LOT of day to talk about. But it did include: breakfast at Cora's.
Thrift store shopping, chicken fingers, and a poetry slam!

The only unpleasant thing in a the whole day: a HUGE unexpected, accidental parking ticket. (Next episode of Life of Wiley: I go to court to fight with the establishment!)


  1. parking ticket-- pish. That's small beans. Glad you had an awesometastic BFFmas!

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
