August 09, 2011

Photos: August 5-7

August 5th. Cowboys & Aliens.
It's my goal to figure out a way to wear this hat in a real outfit without looking like Indiana Jones. Also, to marry Sam Rockwell, because he's adorable, no matter what movie he ends up in.

August 6th. The Hill.
Every day when I drive home from work at night and the streets are a little empty, there's a big hill. My favourite thing to do is speed up the hill, then to take my foot off the gas and bomb down it with nothing but gravity to accelerate. I love the speed and the freedom.

August 7th. Cat's Eye View.
The after work nap!

Annnnd I missed the eighth. OOPS. I'll just have to update with two pictures on one day or something....

1 comment:

  1. Well, hello. I'd like that hat please. It looks sooo swanky. What did you think of Cowboys and Aliens? I haven't seen it, but am contemplating whether or not I should see it in the theater or wait till it comes out on DVD.... Daniel Craig is cute, but his acting leaves a lot to be desired...
    ♥ laura

    the blog of worldly delights
