May 19, 2011


In my seemingly never ending mission to find personal fitness and self control around food, I'm trying to find exercise I like doing. It's not as hard as it sounds... Mostly I avoid spinning like the pedal pushing torture-fest that it is. I tend to like cardio that gets my blood pumping and my feet moving. Short form on this one:
So for the past two weeks I've been going to Zumba classes at my gym. For those of you who don't know what Zumba means, it's Spanish for, "your arms, hips and feet are ALL GOING TO BE DOING DIFFERENT THINGS SIMULTANEOUSLY!"... Or something. I couldn't find it on Wikipedia, and let's face it after that, the lazy searcher knows when the battle is over.

Zumba is basically dance routines with the adrenaline pumped up to 100%, set to the music from around the world. E.g. salsa and merengue (which IS music and not fluffed up egg whites, thank you very much) as well as some Indian and African music that got punched in the teeth by techno pop. Basically you follow the instructor as best as you can through choreographed dances that kick your ASS. The first week I went I was tripping over myself and shuffling to keep up.

I watched the instructor as she grapevined with her feet, her hips swiveled and her arms somehow managed to weave in a graceful manner ALL at the same time. Impossible. I was staring, trying to remember which was my right and my left. Eventually I got the hit of the beat into my head and I let myself have fun with it. I know lots of people say they're really self conscious in a gym/fitness class setting... and I might have been like that for awhile... But even if I can't keep up or get all the steps right, I always make a point to keep moving. I'm not there to impress anyone, I'm there to have fun!
You too can be this cool. (Source.)
The other awesome thing about these classes is that anyone can try them. There are girls bigger than me, ladies smaller than me, women my age, older, purple, you name it. At the end of my second class I was dripping sweat, my pulse was pounding and I was happy as hell.

I guess this just means that it pays off to give everything a try or two... and if you can't cut it with spinning, like me, I would recommend Zumba. The music is a little different from your repetitive top 40. You get to shake it out, feel kinda exotic and it's the kind of workout you underestimate. Trust me.

I'm just warning you now, despite the talk about salsa, shaking and gyrating, this class is NOT SEXY. You get grossly hot under the collar and you sweat in places you didn't know you could sweat... Still, it's completely worth it.

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