February 21, 2011

Snaps from the Past

I've been trying to de-clutter everything so that the move out in a few months and the packing that go with it are easier than cherry pie....whatever that means. I was rifling through papers today when I found a bunch of old photographs of my dad in his childhood. My mother sent them to me for a project in first year, and now in the final stretch of the third I've found them again.

I tried to scan them, but my scanner and my computer are giving each other the silent treatment.

I believe my dad is the charming little man in the bow tie. I thought it was fitting to post some of these pictures since it's family day... What better way to pay tribute to an excuse for a three day weekend than to look back at your collective past?

Looking at the photos really gave me a sense of nostalgia, but it was for a time I had never actually experienced at all. Finding these photos made me realize just how much I want to go through the photos I have, and print out the ones worth keeping. Before I was born, my Babcia's house (my mama's mom) burnt down in a fire. All of the photo albums and memories were lost. I think in the future if a hard drive breaks of a computer shuts down, we'll suffer the same consequences.

All of these thoughts are on the heels of some bad news, so I guess my tone might be a little grim at the moment. Christchurch, New Zealand was hit by another massive earthquake, the second one in the past five months. It was a 6.5 on the Richter scale, and it killed a couple of people.
My older sister and her boyfriend live in Christchurch-- thankfully they weren't hurt but they have to leave their home and get away from the city center for fear of bad aftershocks.

I guess the overlying theme here is that you shouldn't have to lose something to realize how much you love it. You should seize the opportunity to spread love (the Brooklyn way, or otherwise) NOW.

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