January 01, 2012


THINGS I DID IN 2011: Started this blog! Survived one (and many subsequent) hot yoga classes. Ran my first 5K. Ran my first 10K, and ended up published in a magazine because of it! Got a new tattoo. Volunteered at PRIDE in Toronto. Got a new job (or two), including my first paid writing position. Graduated from college with honours. Discovered what direction I think my life is heading. Wrote a novel in a month. Attended my first poetry slam. Got punched in the heart and made it through. Visited California. Karaoke'd my heart out in front of a roomful of people. Learned the art of waking up at 5AM for early morning shifts. Dressed with a little more flair. J'ai travaillé sur mon Francais. Discovered my hometown doesn't totally suck. I became legal EVERYWHERE. I feel as though I grew by the bucketful, which is awesome...

But that was last year. Out with the old and in with the new, and what have you.

My resolutions are pretty simple, but they're easier said than done.

• Stop comparing myself to other people.
This one is nearly impossible, and I know that. However, if I want to be a better person, one of the things I need to do is stop getting upset for things that are out of my control. I need to realize that I am an individual, and so are the ones I love, and what makes them different doesn't make them better or me worse. I have a really hard time with this sometimes and it punches my confidence right in the gut.

Continue my fitness regime, and taking care of myself.
Being honest, yeah, this past week, I've fallen off the wagon a little. But I'm more determined now to get back on. To make time for fitness which not only stabilizes my body, but my brain. To make it a priority instead of a burden. Choosing better foods and really LISTENING to myself and my feelings also fall under this category. If I want to go out, I can go out. If I want to sleep (and I have the time) sleep I shall! That kind of thing.

That's pretty much it.
Nothing sweeping or crazy. I just want this to be the year when I feel like most of the pieces come together. When I get out and RUN FOR IT. Seriously. The year when I stop being the thing that is holding me back the most.

I have a bunch of stuff that I would LOVE to do this year, but that's a list for another blog.

1 comment:

  1. Riley, you accomplished sooo much! Congratulations! I most totally want a tattoo but am still too chicken to do that! hehehe. And I really like that you're sticking to realistic goals for this year. I didn't even bother writing mine down (even though I know I should) but it's really more get more exercise in, continue eating healthy, have a more positive outlook on life :)

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
