November 02, 2011

Welcome to NaNoMoVember!

NOTE: I wanted to put pictures in here BUT my photoshop is being a ween, so just text for now. Some of you will have seen the photos on my facebook. Others (I have FOUR followers now, WHAT? Welcome new kids!) Will just have to wait until my computer stops being sad.


Welcome to November. The month where men grow mustaches and intrepid novelists everywhere tackle their 50K novel dreams in 30 days. (This novelist is at 5022 12,100 words.) The month where Starbucks (and every other retailer on the PLANET) starts up their annual Christmas machine. Which means my annual Christmas machine is in repair in the shop, waiting to start up. But soon, SOON it'll be all jingle balls and such. I'm already trying to build up my list of gift ideas, and I've had my share of making Holiday drinks today too!

BUT for NOW. We're going to talk about Halloween...because I did a bucket ton of Halloweening this year. I carved pumpkins with Jill I roasted the seeds and ate them. (BY THE HANDFUL.)

I dressed as Freddie Mercury and rocked out in my favourite gay bar with some of my best friends in the whole world in Toronto. (Where I got groped, macked on, and watched a couple of smurfs make out with each other. Faaaaabulous.)

Then on actual Halloween I dressed up as Eddie from Rocky Horror, and Bek and I went to see the screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show at our local cinema. (It was HILARIOUS. I really think you should go... and if you've never been to one, prepare to get wet, have rice in your hair, toilet paper, toast and playing cards thrown at you...and maybe watch the movie ONCE before you go... Everyone is too busy yelling and sassing the screen so you can't really hear the dialogue.)

Then, AFTER the screening, I came home and stayed up until almost 4 in the morning, writing the first 500 words of my novel and covering myself in gel food colouring to take Tyler Durden/Fight Club inspired pictures, just for fun. (Note: It stains. Just ask the right hand side of my face.)

JUST FOR FUN. As a kid I was pumped about the candy. When I was a teen I didn't really care. Now as a...whatever-category-you-wanna-put-me-in it's a time to get my groove on, get messy with pumpkin guts and to have an excuse to get creative with costumes. (Which you normally can't do without going to conventions...and even then it's a little embarrassing... Sorry cosplay geeks! I really like you, I just don't UNDERSTAND you.) I've always enjoyed theatre and acting (even though I'm BAD at it) and so Halloween is least getting into costume. Half of becoming a character. Which is always fun when you spend most of your life being YOU. (Yeah, I don't mind being me most of the time but I think it's fun to be a shooting star or a hero or maybe a soap making anarchist too.)

I HAD planned on making this post longer but Halloween was a billion years ago and I should probably be writing Christmas posts if the economy has their say in this.

1 comment:

  1. And where are all the pictures of these fabulous costumes/ "dye jobs" you've done? huh? huh?

    I am so envious of the whole nanowrimo thing. I just made up a sci-fi story this morning that I am determined to write. It's set in the post-apocalyptic future. Because ALL sci-fi plots are :)And it involves Viking, Dinosaurs, Robots, AND aliens. I envision myself writing this while sipping on a gingerbread latte. mmm... gingerbread latte.
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
