May 06, 2012

Rant: Frappy Hour

Short rant here: Half price frappuccinos is happening at Starbucks right now. I'm not telling you this as advertising, I'm telling you this so when I say that between the hours of 3-5 today, I witnessed true madness, you'll understand the context.

Dozens of cups and people lined up along the counter, waiting... Waiting literally 10-20 minutes for a freakin' cup of ice blended with milk and syrup.  Seriously. People. THEY'RE ALMOST ALL ICE. Even at half price, the company is making a killing off of you and the four, five, six drinks for  your closest buddies.

 Lady, telling your hyperactive kid to stop jumping around and then handing him a sugary syrup and microground coffee is NOT a solution. Also, I'm not a barista who ever thinks tips are a right instead of a privilege (although they are nice) it's good I don't demand them because today, no one wanted to give us their pennies anyway) I would have appreciated a THANK YOU, you snotty teenage girls.
Thank you to Sue however, who remained calm and patient when I spilled her Venti Caramel Frapp all over the counter, the floor and one of my shoes.

This goes on until the 13th. This war zone, where I was splattered in raspberry syrup, whipped cream, smeared with whole milk and frapp base. My arms, legs, face, and green apron.  Where brother turned against brother and  the end of the world began... I will say I was among the original witnesses.

 May 15th is National Denim Day. Aka Wear your jeans to support finding a cure for breast cancer. Even at STARBUCKS where NO UNIFORM FUN IS ALLOWED EVER, they are letting us wear jeans for a donation of 5$. I plan on wearing some mad awesome skinnies, yo. The district I work in is ultra conservative in the appearance department, so I'm sure even that would raise a few eyebrows. (And a  few eye rolls in return from yours truly.)

However, you could easily call this day: "Go about your regular business in support of breast cancer research." I'm all in for the cause, how could I not be? But jeans? People wear jeans on a daily basis anyway. I mean, I know that wearing purple for spirit day or  x colour for y cause might also slip under the radar too. But.. Jeans? That's like the default setting. The outfit autocorrect. There should be more  fun fundraisers. Hats or WEAR GOLD or something. I don't know. Back to the drawing board.

For all my complaining, I'll be wearing mah jeans anyhow. <3

OTHER SIDE: This weekend is going on forever. Please make it end.

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