March 17, 2012


I don't even know what to tell you. I've been feeling on/off in rapid succession a LOT lately, it's like... I'll go for a run (my anti-angst) and feel fine for an hour, and the next, dissolve into complete and total bleh. BLEH. It just kind of falls out of your mouth when you say it. It's not even a legitimate feeling. Normally when I get like this I usually attach it to useless whining feelings about "I don't have a life, BOOOOO." But I have been doing some PRETTY FINE SHIZZLE as of late. (That's shit for those of you who just don't. speak. gangster.)

I saw Jo Koy, this AMAZINGLY HILARIOUS comedian last Friday in Toronto and laughed my ASS off. Then, as if that wasn't enough, I was lucky enough to see the Arctic Monkeys and the Black Keys at the ACC in Toronto just this passing Wednesday. Then, thanks to working my ASS off (literally) this week, I shredded off a grand total of 3lbs in one week. Three. Pounds. That my friends, is what we in the biz call KILLING IT UNTIL IT DIES. Needless to say, pleased about that. And uh, Community is back. HELLO, AMAZING?

Now, theoretically, with all this awesome shit in the PAST, I COULD be bummed out because suddenly the future calendar is looking empty. Suddenly, it's St. Patrick's Day and I'm not out getting mega smashed with the masses. (Gee, I'm SO sorry I'll miss the opportunity to watch someone barf green.... Seriously though, I wouldn't mind one or two green beers on a patio right about now. Takers?)

The thing is, I can't even complain about not having stuff to do in the future. The weather has been AMAZING here. March break usually swallows us up with snow but right now it's like spring or summer. I've been running outside every day I can, getting out in the sun, basking in the glow of this sneak preview of summer. Apparently, according to my little Mac widget, it's gonna continue to be amazing too.

Monday, our local cinema is playing the Labyrinth on the big screen, and Wednesday, I have my big coffee seminar debut. (Holyshit.) Plus, I'm still waiting for news back from Concordia, which I think might be the core of my laundry pile of stress. I have a bad feeling. Maybe I'm just trying to have a bad feeling so if I don't get in I can say 'I knew it anyway' and if I do, then I can do the biggest happy dance followed by the biggest monetary and life altering panic attack that I am capable of. (Somebody bring a video camera. It could be youtube worthy.)

Either way. Life has been busy and my weird moods have kept me from blogging and that's how it's going to be, probably, for the next little while. But I'll try and update when I can. So those of you holding your breath and hanging on my every word can relax.

Clothes N' Junk:

1 comment:

  1. Ok wait hold up. you got to SEE the ARCTIC MONKEYS? OMG I think I just died. of envy. And You are looking FABULOUS in your outfits, darling. You look amazing! congrats on the weight loss, too. 3 lbs in a week is EPIC. Keep it up, and you know, don't forget to breathe every once in a while. ;)

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
