June 16, 2011


Lately even though I feel like I haven't been doing much, there seems to be lots of different stuff going on in the near future, which will surely turn into blogs. For now, we're going to have to sit and wait for them to all unfold. Welcome to the FINAL COUNTDOWN post. [Insert Will Arnett dancing here.]

Waterloo 5K Classic Race: 2 days
Did I mention I'm running a 5 kilometer race on Sunday? Well here it is: I'm running (or trying to) a 5K race this Sunday! As part of my new fitness routine, I've signed myself up for it. My sisters and my mom have also signed up, so we're all in it together. This is the first road race I've ever run, EVER, so I'm hoping it's going to be good... Of course by good I mean that I finish with a reasonable time for myself, I don't fall down, burst into tears or puke anywhere... and I'd still like to enjoy the whole thing because I'm thinking about running a 10K in October.

My 21st Birthday: 4 days
I love clip art so much!
It's my champagne birthday (turning 21 on the 21st!) in four days! I don't really have any big plans, but I'm hoping whichever ones I do have involve cake and dancing.

New Tattoo: 8 days
On the 25th, I'm getting my 3rd tattoo done. I won't say what it is because I'm definitely going to take pictures and write a post about it, but I will say I am PUMPED about it! P.S. The picture is a hint, definitely.

PRIDE: 16 days
JULY 3rd is the PRIDE PARADE in Toronto! This year, instead of just watching, I'm volunteering at one of the Human Rights booths, informing people about rights (and violations of them) for homosexuals in countries around the world, and at home. Lots of my friends are big supporters of the movement so it's going to be a big colourful party!

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! You've got tons of stuff to look forward to, ok I may be a little late wishing you luck/congrats/happy birthday, but have fun, nonetheless!!! I can't wait to see the new tat!
