I was pretty excited to go to my first housewarming party ever, as it seemed like a cool, grown up thing to do...or something. Long story short: it was a great night filled with drinks, music, a hairless dog, Laughing-My-Ass-Off and one complete revelation on the behalf of yours truly.
I have been spoiled by college parties where everyone is a bunch of smashed n' stoned strangers, babbling at each other incoherently about music and movies and blah de blah de blah. Parties where I myself have been messed up and uncaring of what I said or what people thought. The housewarming party is a new breed of get together. Everyone was kind of acquainted. There was French bread and brie and jello shots. (Okay maybe not a COMPLETELY new breed.) The point was, in this smaller, more intimate and mature venue, I was a fish out of water. I was going to have to escape this island on my own, or else start having conversations with a volley ball a la Tom Hanks in Cast Away.
Eventually the awkward got blown away and people began to chat, but by that point I'm pretty sure I was too gun shy to REALLY, REALLY talk to anyone. I guess the point I'm trying to make here is that I've always been better at expressing myself via writing, and casual talking with people has never been my strong suit. In my mind I'm a warm person who people get along with and click with instantly, and the reality is just blisteringly different.
The night was still a great success. Even more because I realize I'm very much a person in progress.