BUT I really liked it. The movie delivered exactly what it promised in the trailer. A high speed/ slow motion action fest with some really epic sound design and some of the coolest shots I've ever seen. Borderline ridiculous ass kicking. I was really entertained...and isn't that the point? Besides that, the soundtrack ROCKED and the script...well I can forgive the simplicity of the script because of the wildness of everything else.
Oh, also it almost turned me into a lesbian.
But really, you can't blame me for that one. I mean. Imagine these airbrushed sex machines kicking ass with swords, guns, fishnets and DOING IT IN HEELS. Okay? Yeah. Ladies, you want to question your heterosexuality, watch Sucker Punch. But more importantly than being entertained, I found it to be inspiring. Typically this is something I would post in my weight loss blog but I think because it's pop culture related AND fitness related I might as well post it here.
Watching the girls of Sucker Punch amped my engine. I wanted to run a hundred miles. I wanted to punch someone in the face and get into a fight. It put all kinds of gears in motion, turning... Or should I say they oiled the gears, bringing back. Two years ago I read an article in Fitness magazine, talking how their beauty editor took on the challenge of boxing for fitness. The idea took root, had appeal.
I started looking into local boxing clubs back home, filling out forms, curious. For some reasons, like tons of my ideas that fall through the cracks, I never followed through. I was scared, or I didn't want it badly enough. But that was two years ago, and this is now. When I move back to Waterloo, I've decided to look back into boxing classes.

Someone told me once that behind my need to be nice to almost everybody, behind the destructive urges of my binge eating disorder, that I had a lot of anger that had never been addressed. A lot of aggression that needed an outlet, and this might be just be the ticket for that. I guess I'll get to blog more about this when it actually happens, but this is a preview of what's to come.
...I'll try to be more consistent with my updates, but I've been busy with friends and packing for moving and family and food and movies ANNNND school, plus looking into plans for the future, which are about as stable as a house made of jello right now...
At least I can say there's going to be some hard hits involved.
Watching the girls of Sucker Punch amped my engine. I wanted to run a hundred miles. I wanted to punch someone in the face and get into a fight. It put all kinds of gears in motion, turning... Or should I say they oiled the gears, bringing back. Two years ago I read an article in Fitness magazine, talking how their beauty editor took on the challenge of boxing for fitness. The idea took root, had appeal.
I started looking into local boxing clubs back home, filling out forms, curious. For some reasons, like tons of my ideas that fall through the cracks, I never followed through. I was scared, or I didn't want it badly enough. But that was two years ago, and this is now. When I move back to Waterloo, I've decided to look back into boxing classes.
Someone told me once that behind my need to be nice to almost everybody, behind the destructive urges of my binge eating disorder, that I had a lot of anger that had never been addressed. A lot of aggression that needed an outlet, and this might be just be the ticket for that. I guess I'll get to blog more about this when it actually happens, but this is a preview of what's to come.
...I'll try to be more consistent with my updates, but I've been busy with friends and packing for moving and family and food and movies ANNNND school, plus looking into plans for the future, which are about as stable as a house made of jello right now...
At least I can say there's going to be some hard hits involved.
w00t, i liked sucker punch too! so much hate for it on the intarwebs...